We are a global production service company with outposts in London, SCOTLAND, Barcelona, Cape Town, New York, Los Angeles, Shanghai, Vilnius, KOSOVO, ALBANIA, the French Alps & MORE.

Hugo Boss - Soccer

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about us

about us

Our expertise

We offer a comprehensive background in film-making and stills photography. We have won awards for VR (with Björk) and have been involved in many immersive and live-action projects.

Our story

Black Cap Films was started by Campbell Beaton in 2010, and has since serviced jobs for many production companies, agencies and brands. And we really like wearing black caps.

Our clients

We have produced work for clients including Nike, Clarins, Björk, Bureau Betak, Rapp Agency, European Golf Tour, Beginning Middle End Agency, RGA Agency, Brooklyn Brothers, Mssng Peces, VCCP, Division 7 & Netflix.